Sarah Ford | June 7, 2012
Part 2: Not Your Mother’s Cause Marketing
A video excerpt from a presentation by David Hessekiel, Founder & President of Cause Marketing Forum (CMF).
America’s Charities recently hosted its annual Membership Assembly at Georgetown University, where several guest speakers shared their experiences, presented practical, innovative solutions concerning non-profit sustainability and offered successful approaches for non-profits and companies to better engage volunteers, donors and employees. Everyone is calling for marketing and corporate initiatives that build a better world AND a better bottom line. The big question is “How?” David Hessekiel, one of this year’s conference speakers, answered that question with 6 types of initiatives in Part 1: Not Your Mother’s Cause Marketing. Here in Part 2, David shares techniques and tried and true examples of how companies have actually put these 6 initiatives into practice.
David’s single-minded concentration on cause marketing has quickly made David one of the field’s leading authorities, frequently quoted in leading publications such as The New York Times, USA Today, PROMO, Advertising Age, License! and PRWeek. A popular speaker, David has addressed nonprofit and business groups in the US and abroad and recently co-authored a book, Good Works!: Marketing and Corporate Initiatives that Build a Better World…and the Bottom Line, with Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee.
►For a copy of David Hessekiel’s presentation and to view other presentations and photos from this year’s Membership Assembly, click here.
We have had valuable feedback about this year’s event and have received some great ideas for topics to cover next year. Please share your feedback and ideas by completing this short survey of this year’s event. Thank you!
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