
Read about causes and nonprofit impact, and stay up-to-date on topics important for corporate social responsibility and employee engagement professionals, including disaster response, workplace giving, matching gifts, employee assistance funds, volunteering, scholarship award program management, grantmaking, and other philanthropic initiatives.




Volunteers Backbone of Making Wishes Come True

October 5, 2017

It was a special day for AJ, a 15-year-old from Virginia. He would finally get his wish for a shopping spree. As colorful confetti fell…

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Eliminating Racism and Empowering Women at YWCA

October 4, 2017

YWCA is on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women. We are on a mission to end gender-based violence and support every survivor. This…

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Racing to Protect Forests and Local Jobs

October 4, 2017

Did you know that the forest products industry employs nearly 2.7 million workers in the U.S.? Or that large, uninterrupted forests are habitat to 60%…

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Help Survivors of Domestic Violence Find Hope at House of Ruth

October 4, 2017

Domestic violence is a common and deeply harmful problem in American society, with one in four women experiencing physical violence at some point during their…

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Keeping Childhood Alive for Children Facing Serious Medical Conditions

October 3, 2017

“At The Children’s Inn, we are a partner in hope with families, a partner in discovery with the NIH, and above all, we are a…

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Hurricane Relief Thank You

October 3, 2017

One of the worst hurricane seasons in history has left much of America’s southern coast and the Caribbean devastated. Thanks to generous donors like you,…

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The Southern Poverty Law Center: Seeking Justice in 2017 and beyond

October 2, 2017

For nearly five decades, the Southern Poverty Law Center has been fighting hate and seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society. In the…

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Hospice: The Best Kept Secret in American Healthcare

September 26, 2017

Since our founding in 1977, Capital Caring’s mission has been to simply improve care for the more than 1,200 people living with advanced illness that…

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Protecting the Future of Children Diagnosed with Cancer

September 25, 2017

Each year, more than 40,000 children undergo cancer treatment.  Sadly, only three cancer medications have been specifically approved for children in the last 20 years.…

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Five 21st Century Skills Kids Gain From Joining Robotics Teams

September 20, 2017

Miguel was a shy freshman when he joined his high school’s FIRST® Robotics Competition team. With the encouragement of his mentors, he came out of…

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End The Cycle of Youth Homelessness

September 14, 2017

“Do not let anyone tell you otherwise: Youth homelessness is a socially determined problem, and solving it is not beyond this nation’s resources and abilities.”…

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2018 Member Application Due October 27th

September 14, 2017

The 2018 member application is due Friday, October 27th! All members should have received an email notification.  To assist your team with the member application…

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