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Diabetes-Fighting Dogs: A New Breed of Help

October 3, 2013

Some individuals with diabetes are lucky enough to have a very attentive dog to keep them company. These pets provide much more than love and…

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Study Finds Spinal Cord Injury Causes Progressive Damage in the Chronic Phase

October 3, 2013

A paper was published this week from the Gregoire Courtine lab in Switzerland. Courtine, who we have discussed here in recent months, studies activity and…

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Horticulture Teaches More than Just How to Care for Plants; Helps Special-Needs Students

October 3, 2013

Since 1999, Ann Curcio, vocational specialist with the Bridgeport Board of Education, has changed lives through her work with the most challenged special-needs students in…

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Always Essential for Animals

October 3, 2013

Three days into the government shutdown, there is no clear signal that the political impasse will be broken imminently. Meanwhile, many public services are unavailable…

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Three Things You Need To Know About The Government Shutdown

October 3, 2013

As the clock struck midnight in Washington earlier this week, the bitterly divided Congress officially failed to pass a budget and the United States government…

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Government Shutdown: What It Means for Nonprofits

October 3, 2013

When the clock struck midnight earlier this week, much of the federal government was expected to shut its doors, and the impact on the economy…

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The Real Hunger Games

October 3, 2013

Waiting lists for food aid have been growing for years—now almost 15 percent of the nation’s elderly don’t have enough to eat. Eva Perdue, her…

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Believe It Or Not, There Actually Is Some Good News (and some bad of course)

October 3, 2013

The Federal government shutdown has been the talk of the town all week. And we all want to know: how will this impact our guests?…

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The No-Fly List: Where the FBI Goes Fishing for Informants

October 3, 2013

By Nusrat Choudhury, Staff Attorney, ACLU National Security Project at 10:21am Over the last three years, the FBI has dramatically expanded its No-Fly List of…

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Did the Wrong Man Spend 40 Years in Solitary Confinement?

October 3, 2013

It is now only a matter of weeks, or days perhaps, before Herman Wallace dies of the liver cancer that is ravaging his body. He…

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Bringing Human Rights Home: A Message From Amnesty USA’s New Executive Director, Steven W. Hawkins

October 3, 2013

I grew up in the shadow of Sing Sing prison in Ossining, New York. As a boy, I would walk by Sing Sing and hear…

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Lesser-known Toll of Government Shutdown: Delays in Research to Conquer Diseases Affecting Mind and Sight

October 3, 2013

New Survey Outlines Funding Deficiency in Brain and Eye Disease Research BrightFocus Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds research worldwide to save sight and mind,…

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