
Read about causes and nonprofit impact, and stay up-to-date on topics important for corporate social responsibility and employee engagement professionals, including disaster response, workplace giving, matching gifts, employee assistance funds, volunteering, scholarship award program management, grantmaking, and other philanthropic initiatives.




Signature Theater Presents More Than Plays

May 21, 2014

Signature Theatre in Arlington VA, gives back to the community through education and outreach programs that target those traditionally underserved by the arts. Not only…

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You’re Never Too Young to Start Volunteering

May 21, 2014

Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia believes in helping others and they feel you can too and there’s no better time to start then when…

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Celebrating National Volunteer Month at Panera Bread®

May 21, 2014

By Kate Antonacci At Panera, my job is to make sure we’re delivering on our company’s commitment to use our scale, expertise and resources to…

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In an Instant: Mother Reflects on her Son’s Life After Paralysis

May 21, 2014

As a mother, you always want the best for your children. You do your best to nurture them, to teach them right from wrong and…

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SPLC uncovers deplorable conditions at Alabama jail, urges Department of Justice to investigate

May 21, 2014

The 17-year-old boy thought he might pass out. He had been sleeping on the floor of his overcrowded cell when four adult detainees attacked him.…

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The Red Badge of Cancer

May 21, 2014

By Thomas Marsch Every phase of cancer is hard: Diagnosis, treatment, post-treatment, recovery and the return to mainstream life. The demons I possessed before my…

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Jonah Turns His Wish Into a Career

May 21, 2014

It’s difficult for many people to figure out just what they want in this world. But some of us just seem to know what they’re…

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Map the Meal Gap

May 20, 2014

In order to address the problem of hunger, we must first understand it. Feeding America undertook the Map the Meal Gap project to learn more…

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The Water Project Club

May 20, 2014

See that guy on stage? That’s Daniel Kang, a senior at Van Nuys High School–and you might want to commit his name to memory. He’s doing…

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Few Women at High-risk for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Receive Genetic Counseling

May 20, 2014

Despite recommendations from the federal government that women at high-risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer be offered genetic counseling and testing at no out…

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Protect Charitable Giving Incentives in the Tax Code

May 20, 2014

A number of critical giving incentives included as part of the annual tax extenders package expired on January 1, 2014 along with other provisions. These included the…

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Making Impact: An Interview With Junior Achievement of New York’s President, Joseph Peri

May 20, 2014

This week, we have the privilege of introducing you to Joseph Peri, President of Junior Achievement of New York (JA New York), the local affiliate of…

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