
Read about causes and nonprofit impact, and stay up-to-date on topics important for corporate social responsibility and employee engagement professionals, including disaster response, workplace giving, matching gifts, employee assistance funds, volunteering, scholarship award program management, grantmaking, and other philanthropic initiatives.




Don’t Fry Day = May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014

To help reduce rising rates of skin cancer from overexposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun, the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention…

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Don’t Forget to Make Your Memorial Day Gift

May 23, 2014

On Memorial Day, we will pause with all of America to honor the memory of those who have given their lives in service to country.…

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Videos: The New Age of Digital Donor Engagement – Twitterverse, LinkedIn, Mobile and What’s Next

May 23, 2014

The digital age has arrived faster than many predicted and has already disrupted practically everything it touches—from retail to transportation. Nonprofits also must adapt as…

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PCADV’s Partnership With Allstate Helps Domestic Violence Victims Find Safety & Build New Lives

May 22, 2014

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s (PCADV) mission is to eliminate personal and institutional violence against women through programs providing support and safety to battered women,…

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Through a Mother’s Eyes

May 22, 2014

It always delights us to hear from Give Kids The World’s wish families after their trip to the Village. This wish mom takes a step…

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If Your Charity Has a Strategic Plan, Don’t Put it on the Shelf – Market it!

May 22, 2014

Nonprofits need to have a strategic plan and, more than ever, need to share and market that strategic plan with potential corporate funders and partners.…

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Videos: A Focus on the “Overhead Myth”, Charity Validators and Rising Expectations

May 22, 2014

Charities face a rising tide of expectations from corporate and employee donors, while maintaining these corporate partnerships is a challenge. At the same time, the…

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How To Launch A Successful Employee Engagement Program

May 22, 2014

America’s Charities’ Snapshot 2013 captured the transformation of workplace giving to employee engagement. In ‘Snapshot 2014’, released on April 24, 2014, we noted that engagement…

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Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes: Advice from BBB Wise Giving Alliance

May 22, 2014

BBB Wise Giving Alliance’s CEO Art Taylor notes our digital culture has introduced many new ways of contributing to charitable causes. Crowdfunding presents opportunities, but…

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Majority of Companies Increased Giving from 2010 to 2013: Corporate Giving and Revenues Rise Together

May 22, 2014

Corporate philanthropy is an integral part of a company’s social responsibility and employee engagement strategies.   Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy’s (CECP) Giving in Numbers report…

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SPLC uncovers deplorable conditions at Alabama jail, urges Department of Justice to investigate

May 21, 2014

The 17-year-old boy thought he might pass out. He had been sleeping on the floor of his overcrowded cell when four adult detainees attacked him.…

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The Red Badge of Cancer

May 21, 2014

By Thomas Marsch Every phase of cancer is hard: Diagnosis, treatment, post-treatment, recovery and the return to mainstream life. The demons I possessed before my…

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