Sarah Ford | June 24, 2014

It’s Mission, Programs, Services For Employee Giving

Workplace giving funnels about $4 billion into nonprofit coffers each year. But as evidenced by the nearly one-fifth decline in the federal employee Combined Federal Campaign last year, nonprofits, donors and businesses must respond to changing trends. Snapshot 2014: Rising Tide of Expectations — Corporate Giving, Employee Engagement and Impact, a report from Chantilly, Va.-based America’s Charities, surveyed 240 nonprofits to find out what those trends were in 2013.

Donors and corporations placed a strong emphasis on communication last year. Four of five respondents said the most important aspects of their organizations to communicate were mission, programs and services. Transparency, strong leadership, number of people served and good governance all had similar scores of 70 percent, 69 percent, 68 percent and 68 percent. Communicating low administrative costs was the least cited response, with only 54 percent believing that to be an important metric for communication.

Drilling deeper into transparency, about one-third of respondents said reporting on stewardship of the organization’s mission, programs and services was the best way to communicate transparency. Around half said the delivering financial information on their websites (53 percent), posting tax returns (52 percent) and detailing mission-related activities (48 percent) were important. Only one-fifth, or 21 percent, said that disclosing salary information mattered for transparency.

Continuing with the theme of transparency, accountability and transparency was the top response for elements of good governance, with 82 percent. That was followed by…

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