Sarah Ford | June 21, 2013

Featured Charity: Good360

Through strategic partnerships and a variety of efficient distribution channels, find out how Good360 is healing, strengthening and empowering communities and people in need.


For over 30 years, Good360 has been driven by our mission to help nonprofits and schools address the critical needs of their communities by providing them with corporate product donations.  We have distributed more than $7 billion in products to a growing network of more than 35,000 nonprofits serving millions of people in need across the globe.  In 2012 alone, this included 1.8 million books, 9,660 mattresses, 497,677 articles of clothing and 1.4 million personal care items. 

Our motivation lies in leveraging our resources to have the greatest possible impact, which is why every donation Good360 distributes goes to reputable programs that heal, strengthen and empower communities and people in need.  By strategically partnering with corporations that have excess goods needed by the charities we serve, Good360 bridges the gap between the corporate and nonprofit sectors. Through a variety of efficient distribution channels, we facilitate the donation of these essential goods, that may otherwise end up in landfills, to nonprofits that are then able to reserve their capital as they serve millions of people with critical needs.

How can you help?


At Good360, our long-term goal is to distribute products from our corporate donors to nonprofit partners at no cost to them, which will enable these charities to better fulfill their missions.  Operating at less than 2% of total revenues, we strive for efficiency in order to have the greatest possible impact.  As a result, your donations stretch far—for every dollar donated, we are able to deliver, on average, $70 worth of crucial products to nonprofits serving people and communities in need. 

Whether donating cash or product to Good360, your gift will meet the real needs of people and could be the catalyst for a fresh start or new beginning.  Because of donations from our supporters, the Canton Project Rehab in eastern Texas, one of our recipient nonprofits, used donated products from Good360 to repair the roof of a woman’s home when her only protection from the elements had been a tarp.  With the help of 60 teens and donated lumber, siding and appliances, her roof was repaired, her home was safe, and she had renewed hope for the future.  She was overjoyed and commented that, “Not having a lot of finances, I couldn’t afford to get the roof fixed.  It’s been rough, but [my] prayers are answered. ”  Your gift can make all the difference.

Give Through the Workplace:

Workplace giving is an effective and easy way for you to make a tax-deductible donation to Good360.

Check to see if your company supports a workplace giving campaign (if they don’t, encourage them to start one), and designate Good360 as your charity of choice. To make your workplace-giving donation go even further, ask your employer if they will join the effort by matching your donation.

If you are a federal employee, it’s easy to support Good360 through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) – just enter CFC #10675.

CECP Awards Framing Hope Product Donation Program

Good360 was honored by the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP) for our partnership with The Home Depot.  In the first year of the Framing Hope Program, Good360 and The Home Depot were able to collaborate distributing critical goods to nearly 500,000 families, diverting 2,500 garbage trucks of waste from landfills!

Learn more and connect with Good360!

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