Sarah Ford | May 4, 2015

Supporting Morris Animal Foundation’s Unite to Fight Pet Cancer Campaign is Good for You and Your Pet

Morris Animal Foundation

Cancer is a disease that takes on countless forms—that is especially true in veterinary medicine where doctors treat many different species of animals with cancer in all its myriad disguises. Morris Animal Foundation, a global leader in funding scientific studies that advance animal health, is attacking cancer wherever it strikes with pioneering research programs including:

  • Developing a quick blood test to see if your dog is at risk of developing cancer
  • Investigating an anti-tumor vaccine to treat melanoma in horses
  • Advancing drug therapies to prevent cancer from spreading
  • Exploring the use of stem cells to treat cancer in wild animals

The leading cause of death in dogs, and the second disease-related cause of death in cats, cancer is diagnosed in nearly 12 million dogs and cats annually. It strikes animals of all ages, and impacts all breeds of dogs and cats as well as other species.  Morris Animal Foundation, a major funding source for veterinary cancer research globally, is committed to saving lives by advancing knowledge that leads to better diagnostic tests for cancer and more effective treatments against it. 

Last year, Morris Animal Foundation established its Unite to Fight Pet Cancer campaign and the campaign is going strong in 2015. Unite to Fight Pet Cancer raises awareness of pet cancer and provides information for pet owners through valuable tools, including a cancer prevention checklist available for download by owners.  The checklist gives information about known cancer risk factors as well as practical advice for owners on how to give their pets the healthiest life possible. Unite to Fight also raises funds to be used in ground-breaking cancer research programs that may one day lead to cancer breakthroughs not only for your pet but for all animals (people, too!).

Since its founding in 1948, Morris Animal Foundation has funded some of the most innovative cancer programs led by some of the most talented veterinary research scientists in the world. Morris Animal Foundation is proud to partner with America’s Charities once again this year so you can join us in our fight against cancer through your workplace giving program. By supporting our Unite to Fight Pet Cancer campaign, you can help us make a difference and improve the lives of not only our companion animals, but animals in the wild, too. Please consider Morris Animal Foundation through your workplace giving campaign this year.

Our thanks to Morris Animal Foundation for sharing the work they’re doing. To learn more about their mission and find more ways to support them, visit

To learn how your company can support Morris Animal Foundation through an employee giving program or corporate partnership, contact America’s Charities and learn more about our workplace giving solutions at:

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