JBrown@charities.org | May 4, 2014

Public Service Recognition Week

This week marks the start of the 20th anniversary of Public Service Recognition Week. It is a time set aside that allows for a show of appreciation as well as a chance to inform the citizens of the many services our government provides. 

From those serving in the federal government to those working at county and city levels, this week is aimed at providing an opportunity for all to pause and let these public servants know their work is respected, cherished and most of all, valued.

We at America’s Charities have the opportunity to see their unselfishness when it comes to what they give during their respective workplace giving campaigns.  We are often amazed at their generosity and know that our member charities who benefit from their great benevolence, share our gratitude.

We urge you to join with us in thanking them for the work they do.  Click here to send your thanks.

To learn more about Pulic Service Recognition Week, click here.

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