America's Charities | June 17, 2020

America’s Charities and SmartSimple Launch Engage, the World’s First End-to-End Giving and CSR Solution That Tells the Complete Picture of Global Impact

Engage Connects Giving, Engagement, Volunteerism, Corporate Philanthropy, and Impact Measurement All on One Platform

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 17 – America’s Charities and SmartSimple Software Inc. (“SmartSimple”) today announced the launch of America’s Charities Engage powered by SmartSimple Cloud (“Engage.”) Engage is the world’s first end-to-end giving and corporate social responsibility (CSR) solution that tells the complete picture of an organization’s global impact – all on one platform. Engage combines SmartSimple Cloud’s cutting-edge SaaS technology with America’s Charities’ full-service back-end support, providing companies with a completely configurable, tailored, flexible solution that will adapt to their needs as they grow. This is the next step in the collaboration between America’s Charities and SmartSimple, which first partnered in June 2019 to deliver more social good.

“Simply put, businesses with an authentic focus on social good have an edge on their competition,” said Jim Starr, president and CEO, America’s Charities. “Increasingly, buyers, investors, and others base their decisions on a company’s CSR and philanthropy, especially now as COVID-19 beats a destructive path globally, particularly among communities of color. Likewise, our research shows that a company’s values are a key factor in the hiring process – more than 71 percent of employees say they choose to work for, and stay, at a company because of its culture of giving and alignment with causes that matter to them. Engage’s comprehensive front-end software plus back-end support empowers corporate leaders to bring all of their efforts onto one platform, enabling them to grow their corporate culture, track activities and progress, measure success, report social good, and evolve and expand their programs.”

Engage makes it easy to manage all aspects of giving, engagement, philanthropy, and CSR on one platform, including:

  • Corporate philanthropy and grantmaking
  • Gift matching
  • Workplace giving
  • Employee engagement
  • Volunteer management
  • In-kind giving
  • Employee Assistance Funds (EAFs)
  • Employee wellness
  • Tracking SDGs and/or other company-defined cause goals
  • Measuring and reporting progress and impact
  • Developing and sharing results and social good
  • Identifying areas of growth and evolving programs

Engage is more than just software. It seamlessly blends America’s Charities’ expertise in helping organizations meet their employee giving and engagement goals with SmartSimple’s proficiency in developing highly configurable, innovative technology solutions via SmartSimple Cloud, its proprietary SaaS platform. Now celebrating its 40th anniversary as a pioneer in giving and engagement, America’s Charities manages all receipt, reconciliation, and distribution of employee-designated donations, and offers tailored training, an established funds management infrastructure, charity vetting, a vast library of resources, and multi-channel, on-demand support to corporate leaders and their employees.

Each year, America’s Charities processes more than one million donations and disburses more than 40,000 payments to qualified nonprofits. The SmartSimple Cloud technology is used by more than 350 organizations worldwide, averaging more than 270,000 unique monthly users across more than 192 countries. The result is America’s Charities Engage powered by SmartSimple Cloud, a comprehensive solution that brings together the best technology and service for organizations that want to make a long-term, meaningful difference.

“Engage is the synthesis of two industry leaders that have come together, bringing what they do best to benefit companies, causes, and communities across the planet,” said Mike Reid, COO & Co-Founder, SmartSimple. “Engage is a CSR solution like none the world has ever seen, and one that we badly need if we are to achieve a better world. Whether you’ve adopted the UN SDG Framework – the global blueprint for a better world – or use your own proprietary CSR framework to guide and focus your philanthropic and CSR efforts, Engage can be tailored to suit your needs.”

Engage helps organizations ensure the passion of their people and philanthropy shine through. It can help articulate a company’s corporate values, build buy-in from senior leadership, bolster an authentic corporate culture, improve recruitment and retention efforts, burnish a brand, inspire employees to make a difference, and make it fun – all the while delivering on a company’s external promise to be responsible and benefit society as a whole. What’s more, Engage helps companies celebrate their achievements through the use of easy-to-use data visualization and social sharing tools.

“The world we live in is changing rapidly and businesses have a social contract – with their stakeholders and workforce – to act responsibly and bring their influence to bear for the greater good,” added Starr. “Leaders who want to get out of the weeds and focus on what matters – living their values, building their culture, and making an impact – deserve Engage’s flexible, seamless technology platform and the most comprehensive support currently available. We will be there to guide you through every stage of your journey, from site build to launch, from measurement to reporting, and beyond. From employee engagement to grantmaking, Engage is ready for companies that want to scale their social impact all under one roof.”

For more information and to request a demo of America’s Charities Engage powered by SmartSimple Cloud, please visit

About America’s Charities

America’s Charities is a 501(c)(3) membership-based nonprofit that inspires employees and organizations to support the causes they care about. America’s Charities’ deep expertise in workplace giving and employee engagement is anchored in its history in helping private and public sector employers support charities of their choice, which in turn provides more sustainable, unrestricted revenue to nonprofits that are changing our world. Since 1980, America’s Charities has raised more than $750 million in corporate, federal, state, and local government workplace giving campaigns, benefiting tens of thousands of nonprofits addressing causes including education, human rights, hunger, poverty, research, animal welfare, veteran assistance, disaster relief, and health services. More information about America’s Charities is at, as well as on our social media networks.

About SmartSimple

SmartSimple is a global leader in cloud-based automation software, offering process solutions used by over 350 clients in more than 192 countries. Some of the largest foundations, Fortune 100 companies, research funders, and government agencies have chosen the SmartSimple Cloud software to enrich their impact and create greater efficiencies in their processes.


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