Sustainability News provided by 3BL

3BL News

Image of 4 people standing in front of a stack of shipping packages

When Job Skills Meet Their Match

Multimedia from FedEx Services

Finding a job may seem pretty straightforward – update your resume, fill out an application, interview for the job. However, if you’re one of the estimated 3.5 million Americans with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), it’s not that simple.
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Fifth Third Goes Dark for Earth Hour

Multimedia from Fifth Third Bancorp

By turning off our lights, we hope to illuminate awareness of climate change and our commitment to be an environmental sustainability leader. Fifth Third was the first bank and first Fortune 500 company to achieve 100% renewable solar power.
A person navigating an app on a smartphone

Road Safety Matters: FedEx Publishes 2019 Report

Multimedia from FedEx Services

FedEx publishes new 2019 report: Road Safety Matters. Take a look and be inspired by initiatives helping road safety NGOs save lives and prevent injuries worldwide. Join us in helping make all of our journeys safer by following the road safety tips we share in the report.