
Donate to America’s Charities

America’s Charities works directly with businesses and nonprofits, with the objective of bringing more resources to the nonprofits that are changing our world. We are poised to raise $1 billion for worthy causes by 2026, but need your support. Donating to America’s Charities is an investment in the success of hundreds of charities across the country who are addressing causes that matter to you including, education, human rights, hunger, poverty, health, research, animals, veterans, children, the environment and disaster relief.

Click here to donate now.

Support Our Nonprofit Members

Workplace giving is the best way to support America’s Charities and our members, but if your employer does not offer workplace giving as an employee benefit, you can use our website to find charities that interest you, learn about them, and donate to multiple charities at a time.  

Create your personal giving account and view your account at anytime by clicking “My Account“. You can access your giving history, tax receipts and obtain a list of recommended charities based on the charity(ies) you have donated to.

Click here to connect with our members and the causes they represent.