News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Workplace Giving


PwC Study: Don’t Ask Millennials To Participate In Traditional Check-The-Box Employee Giving Campaigns

February 6, 2014

Source: 3BL Media Blog Post By: Heather Lofkin Wright Heather Lofkin Wright is the US Director of Community Service at PwC. Heather focuses on developing strategies…

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America’s Charities Joins Cross-Sector Collaboration Project, Ideagen

February 5, 2014

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Lynne Filderman, America’s Charities: 703-674-5346, Chloe’ Kerr, Ideagen: 202-347-2500,           America’s Charities Join…

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Can Community Involvement Boost Your Bottom Line?

January 21, 2014

Source: By Lindsay Lavine  Companies that encourage community involvement distinguish themselves from their competitors, and see many benefits, including loyal customers and happier employees.…

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What Direction Will the CSR Movement Take in 2014 and Beyond?

January 21, 2014

Source: ForbesBy Doug Guthrie In the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR ), one of the true pioneers over the last few decades has been…

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You’ve made a donation, now what?

January 16, 2014

Did you know that approximately 174 million adult Americans plan to give money to charity between Thanksgiving and year-end?  Furthermore, 35 percent to 42 percent…

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Are You Pleased With Your Company’s Giving Results?

January 16, 2014

Source: Forbes By Ryan Scott The holidays are a distant memory now, and for many companies, so is their annual giving campaign.  As you say…

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The Evolution of Corporate Sustainability

January 16, 2014

Source: Charities@Work By Kal Stein, CEO of Earthshare There is a reason why businesses and nonprofits routinely partner on delivering solutions and targeting crises. While the…

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The Combined Federal Campaign is an Unrealized Asset

January 13, 2014

In last week’s Washington Post Federal Diary column by Joe Davidson, “Low morale of federal employees is putting a crimp in charitable giving,” I was quoted…

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Federal Employees Are Givers. Service is in Their DNA.

January 10, 2014

Community leadership takes many forms, and charities in thousands of local communities, across the nation and around the world are fortunate to have the generous…

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Implementing Your Social Responsibility Goals Just Got Easier

October 30, 2013

By Sarah Ford When it comes to achieving your social responsibility goals, most companies are not aware of the value of partnering with a federation. …

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Employee Engagement: the Important Glue Between Volunteerism & Giving

October 1, 2013

How much does an employer’s decision concerning employee engagement play into the overall corporate culture of giving and volunteering (or lack of giving and volunteering)…

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Heather Lofkin Wright: Fostering & Growing a Workplace Giving Culture in the 21st Century

September 18, 2013

What will the future of employee engagement and giving look like? Digital tools and platforms aside, how are the basic ingredients that influence giving still…

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