News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Workplace Giving


Employer Charitable Endeavors Can Boost Efforts to Attract and Retain Top Employees

May 7, 2014

By Caryn Freeman   Employees want more giving and volunteering opportunities, and companies are responding with more and varied philanthropic endeavors. According to a new report from…

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Measuring Impact

May 7, 2014

When it comes to working with funders and corporate partners, nonprofits serve two masters: (1) the programatic imperatives and (2) what the funder wants or…

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The New CFC Rules Lay a Path to Expanding Giving and Cutting Costs

May 7, 2014

BY ANTHONY DECRISTOFARO NPQ has published a number of articles recently about the Combined Federal Campaign, which took a very dramatic 19 percent drop this past…

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Employee Expectations & Challenges of Employee Engagement

May 6, 2014

What are the best ways for companies to engage employees in giving through the workplace? In this video clip, Emily Simone, Director of Community Relations…

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Companies Expect More From Nonprofits, Report Finds

May 5, 2014

When it comes to corporate philanthropy, corporate and employee donors expect more from charities these days.  And in a digital era defined by greater transparency, charities…

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Public Service Recognition Week

May 4, 2014

This week marks the start of the 20th anniversary of Public Service Recognition Week. It is a time set aside that allows for a show of…

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How Do We Solve the Obvious Gap Between What Companies Offer and What Charities Need?

May 1, 2014

Tom Watson, President and Founder of CauseWired and a Forbes Contributor, was a panelist at America’s Charities annual Giving Under The Influence symposium last week…

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Employee Development Through CSR Programs

May 1, 2014

Employees are increasingly demanding that their workplaces not only provide opportunities for them to develop within the business, but outside of it too. With CSR…

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What Do Corporations Want and Expect From Nonprofit Partnerships?

April 30, 2014

What do corporations want and expect out of their relationships with nonprofits? In the video clip above, Emily Simone, Director of Community Relations for Lockheed…

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Volunteering Makes Shared Value Possible

April 29, 2014

If you don’t know Chris Jarvis, now is a good time to become familiar with his work and that of Realized Worth.  As the traditional…

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Nonprofit Impact & Effectiveness

April 29, 2014

How do we go from just sharing charities’ financial documents on the Internet to really evaluating the work of nonprofits so that donations and funds…

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Far fewer federal employees donated to charity campaign last year

April 28, 2014

By Joe Davidson In the wake of new figures showing a sharp plunge in employee participation in a federally sponsored charity campaign, the Obama administration…

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