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Articles About Workplace Giving


Health, Medical Research Most Popular Charity Choices in 2013 CFC

October 22, 2014

By Andy Medici Federal employees and military service members gave more to health and medical research charities during the 2013 Combined Federal Campaign than to…

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Report: Pro Bono Now Prevalent in All Areas of Philanthropy

October 22, 2014

By Ryan Scott A new study from CECP finds that pro bono service has experienced an explosion of growth that is sweeping across Corporate America. As the…

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Majority of Companies Increased Community Investments, Focused Giving Programs Since End of Global Recession

October 22, 2014

NEW YORK, October 21, 2014 /3BL Media/— From 2010 to 2013, giving increased for 64% of companies, and it grew by more than 10% for 52% of companies. Companies that…

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Corporate Giving Doesn’t Have to Be Cash Only

October 21, 2014

By Celeste Amato Business owners across Maryland tell us that corporate philanthropy — charitable giving directed by a business entity — is highly rewarding to…

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Changing Children’s Lives by Teaching Financial Literacy

October 20, 2014

Young students from a suburban Chicago elementary school drew pictures of their morning with a special classroom visitor. On each page they commented on the…

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Pro Bono Week: A Time For Skills to Shine

October 20, 2014

By Ryan Scott What’s so special about pro bono? According to Taproot, the leading national advocate for pro bono service, pro bono has been a quiet…

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Is Your Company Running a “Healthy” Food Drive?

October 20, 2014

Each year, millions of food drives are run to support more than 50,000 food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other organizations in the United States. …

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Increasing Participation in Your Volunteer Program

October 16, 2014

By Ryan Scott A question that corporate philanthropy leaders and volunteer program managers ask me all the time is this: “How can we increase and improve volunteer…

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Employee Engagement is Important! Increase Engagement through Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Programs

October 15, 2014

Guest Post by Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation More than ever before, organizations are relying on employee engagement and loyalty for overall success. On…

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Millennial Employees Keep Traditions Alive During Microsoft’s Employee Giving Campaign

October 14, 2014

If you had visited Microsoft’s Redmond HQ last Friday, you would have seen hundreds of people chatting and laughing along the roads surrounding main campus.…

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The One Thing Your Company Has to Do to Recruit Millennials

October 8, 2014

By Pamela Hawley “88% of Millennials gravitated toward companies with pronounced Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs…86% would consider leaving if their employer’s CSR no longer…

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Why CSR Strategies Fail: The Top 3 Myths

October 7, 2014

By Angela Parker “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”… right? I used to believe that the right plan would always yield the right…

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