News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Workplace Giving


How John Wayne Cancer Institute Makes Healing and Health Possible for Millions of Cancer Patients Worldwide

November 24, 2015

The John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center has been shaping a vital future for cancer patients and their families for more than…

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3BL Media Webinar to Reveal New Data on Workplace Giving and Engaging with Millennials

November 20, 2015

Click here to register for the webinar. New research on the changing nature of workplace-centered philanthropy and employee engagement, including its role in attracting employees…

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How Companies Can Help Nonprofits Succeed Through Pro Bono

November 17, 2015

Guest Post By Linda B. Gornitsky | President, LBG Associates The promise of pro bono is that skilled volunteers can lend their expertise to nonprofits thus reducing…

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How LIVESTRONG is Helping the Whole Person Heal

November 17, 2015

No one should face cancer alone. Through collaborative programs and direct support services that fill critical financial, emotional, physical and practical gaps in care, LIVESTRONG…

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A Veterans Day Surprise: Companies Are Hiring the .04% – and It Has Nothing To Do With Corporate Philanthropy

November 11, 2015

By Ryan Scott According to the Department of Defense, only .04% of Americans are active military personnel, a staggeringly small number to be shouldering the…

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The National Cost of Alzheimer’s is Projected to Reach $1.2 Trillion by 2050, But We Can Change This.

November 5, 2015

Join America’s Charities, now through December, as we highlight different nonprofits and share how individuals and companies can Shape the Future of various causes through workplace giving…

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Amp Up Workplace Giving With Technology

November 5, 2015

Did you miss Social Media For Nonprofits’ tweetchat on amping up workplace giving with technology? Scroll through this Storify conversation: [View the story “Tweetchat: Amp…

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The Southern Poverty Law Center: Fighting Hate, Teaching Tolerance, Seeking Justice

November 4, 2015

Join America’s Charities, now through December, as we highlight different nonprofits and share how individuals and companies can Shape the Future of various causes through workplace giving…

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Balancing Pro Bono Supply and Demand

November 3, 2015

Does pro bono work?  Why don’t more nonprofits take advantage of pro bono volunteers (i.e. free talent)? These are just a couple questions examined in…

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Making it Possible for Children to Get Critically Needed Healthcare

October 29, 2015

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Washington DC® (RMHC DC) provides sick children what they need the most… their families.    Helping a sick child fight…

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#GivingTuesday Gives Your Corporate Philanthropy a Huge Boost

October 28, 2015

By Ryan Scott, Causecast As Thanksgiving looms, company leaders across the world are building thanks to their communities through their year-end giving campaigns. For many…

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The Life-saving Impact of Biomedical Research

October 26, 2015

Advances in biomedical research are critical to fighting disease, and lengthening and improving quality of life.  But today’s health challenges are too complex to be…

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