News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Workplace Giving


Alzheimer’s Disease Research Early Supporter of New Alzheimer’s Blood Test

October 5, 2022

There are over 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease today and by 2050, that number may reach over 14 million. This means it’s likely…

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TMCF Empowering The Next Generation With A Focus on Economic Mobility.

October 5, 2022

Shown in Photo: TMCF President and CEO, Dr. Harry L. Williams with students at the 2022 Leadership Institute in New York “To Change the World…One…

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The Conservation Fund: Finding Sustainable Solutions that Balance Economic and Environmental Outcomes

October 4, 2022

Since 1985, The Conservation Fund has worked to find sustainable solutions that balance economic and environmental outcomes. We continue to support American communities with our…

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Support the Humane Society of the United States to Protect Animals Worldwide

October 4, 2022

Support the Humane Society of the United States through your employee giving program. Together with millions of supporters, we take on puppy mills, factory farms, the fur trade,…

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You Can Make Childhood Possible by Supporting The Inn through Employee Giving

October 4, 2022

The Children’s Inn at NIH is a “home” for children, and their families, participating in ground-breaking medical trials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).…

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Christian Appalachian Project: Enabling People in Impoverished Communities to Seek, See, and Secure New Opportunities

October 4, 2022

Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) operates 17 human service programs in 11 of the 38 most distressed counties in Eastern Kentucky and extends support to nonprofits…

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

September 21, 2022

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – an annual campaign that aims to educate the public on the importance of early screening, testing and treatment for…

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Together We Can End Domestic Abuse

September 21, 2022

The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are victims of physical violence by a partner every year. People who are…

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Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Awareness, Advocacy, and Inclusion

September 21, 2022

Observed in October each year, Down Syndrome Awareness Month was started by the National Down Syndrome Society in the 1980’s. By spreading awareness, advocacy, and inclusion throughout the…

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Celebrate National Arts & Humanities Month This October

September 21, 2022

First launched by Americans for the Arts more than 30 years ago as National Arts Week in honor of the National Endowment for the Arts,…

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Child Health Day

September 21, 2022

First celebrated in 1929, Child Health Day was enacted by Congress as a day to raise awareness about the fundamental necessity for programs to protect and…

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Historic transport of approximately 4,000 beagles spared from animal testing

September 6, 2022

Update: On July 21, 2022, the HSUS Animal Rescue Team started removing the nearly 4,000 beagles from the mass breeding facility and transporting them to…

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