News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Uncategorized


Why Corporate Philanthropy Is a Key to Employee Engagement

April 24, 2014

By Adam Weinger We’ll get right to it: Studies have shown that companies with engaged employees outperform those without by more than 200 percent. Two…

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Busy Professionals Find Time to be Global Humanitarians

April 24, 2014

By Vanessa Small Adriana Ramirez’s black suitcase was neatly packed a week before her big, international trip. There’s no room for procrastination when you’re a mother…

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Microsoft: One of the Best at Communicating Philanthropy Opportunities to Employees

April 24, 2014

As a new Microsoft employee, you are eligible for a $50 charitable donation to a nonprofit organization of your choice. That’s how easy it is…

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Mind the Gap: a Tragic Waste of Talent

April 24, 2014

By Ryan Scott  Recently, I was chatting with a close friend who holds a senior position at a Fortune 50 company.  This is someone who is…

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Homeless for 11 Years, Mike Can Finally Develop Hopes & Dreams Thanks to Miriam’s Kitchen

April 24, 2014

A Message from Scott Schenkelberg, President & CEO, Miriam’s Kitchen: What are your hopes and dreams for the next 10 years? For many of our…

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Mentoring Partnerships: Enhancing Sustained Employee Engagement

April 24, 2014

By Annabelle Reitman, Sylvia Ramirez Benatti Our journey towards developing a mentoring partnership program model began about five years ago when we looked at the four generations…

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Giving That Gets Results Blog Series

April 24, 2014

John is from the school of strategic philanthropy. The foundation he works for has four defined program areas, and he’s the head of climate change.…

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Wish Kid Defies Odds and Defines Life on His Terms

April 24, 2014

Sam is no stranger to the hard road. Born with a serious heart condition, Sam has spent his life battling illness and proving people wrong.…

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Hatewatch Blog

April 23, 2014
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Teaching Tolerance Blog

April 23, 2014
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Stories from the field: SPLC ensures Head Start opportunities for Latino children in Louisiana

April 23, 2014

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) By Jennifer Coco As a parent, Maria* believed it was important for her 2-year-old daughter, Cristina, to attend Head…

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Stories from the field: Alabama city operates modern-day ‘debtors’ prison’

April 23, 2014

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) By Jacob Denney I was preparing to leave the municipal courtroom in Montgomery, Ala., when the bailiff announced that…

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