News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Uncategorized


Unite to Fight Pet Cancer With Morris Animal Foundation’s Pet Cancer Information Kit

May 1, 2014

Do you know what the top 10 warning signs of cancer in dogs is? How about for cats? Every pet deserves a long, healthy life.…

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Pet Cancer Information Kit

May 1, 2014
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Employee Development Through CSR Programs

May 1, 2014

Employees are increasingly demanding that their workplaces not only provide opportunities for them to develop within the business, but outside of it too. With CSR…

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Empowering Movements for Global Education Reform

May 1, 2014

By Wendy Kopp Some time ago, I attended a gathering of social entrepreneurs who went around and around debating whether attaining significant scale was important, or whether social…

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The Faces of Diabetes: Chris Fraker, Ph.D.’s Personal Connection to T1D

April 30, 2014

Curing diabetes is not just a job for the DRI’s Dr. Chris Fraker…it’s personal! Dr. Fraker was recently featured on The Faces of Diabetes — where he…

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Finding Hope Together: In Celebration of World Autism Day

April 30, 2014

How many of us are raising or know a child with autism? Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a brain disorder that is characterized by difficulties…

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What Do Corporations Want and Expect From Nonprofit Partnerships?

April 30, 2014

What do corporations want and expect out of their relationships with nonprofits? In the video clip above, Emily Simone, Director of Community Relations for Lockheed…

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Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Earns Top Honors for Best-in-Class Cause Marketing

April 30, 2014

>> Watch This Video The Cause Marketing Golden Halo Award (Nonprofit), the highest honor for companies and causes that collaborate to produce business and social…

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How to Make Money from CSR Activities

April 30, 2014

Good product performance pays while good environmental performance doesn’t, research published in Strategic Management Journal says. Earlier studies show mixed results on the financial benefits of corporate social responsibility…

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Book Shelf: Dress for Success’ “Threads”

April 30, 2014

We usually reserve the Dress for Success Blog to tout the accomplishments, advice and stories of others, but we are so incredibly proud about our…

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Volunteering Makes Shared Value Possible

April 29, 2014

If you don’t know Chris Jarvis, now is a good time to become familiar with his work and that of Realized Worth.  As the traditional…

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Engagement Without Enablement and Energy is Worthless

April 29, 2014

By Peter Psichogios I could literally cite dozens of recent research studies around the hundreds of millions of dollars of time energy and money that…

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