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Articles About Uncategorized


CMN Hospitals Funds Pay for 7 Week-old Jackson’s Open-heart Surgery

May 27, 2014

Two days after Jackson was born, an on-call pediatrician noticed his heart didn’t sound normal. Follow-ups with cardiologists confirmed he had ventricular septal defect (VSD),…

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Proudly Supporting the Voting Rights Amendment Act

May 27, 2014

By Remington Gregg, Legislative Counse Last June, the day before the LGBT community‘s huge victory in U.S. v. Windsor, the Supreme Court delivered the broader civil rights…

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How Not to Train a Dragon

May 27, 2014

I like to think that I am a patient man, but sometimes my patience gets pushed to its limit. That is the situation when it…

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Rebuilding Together Alexandria: Southern Charm

May 27, 2014

Alice* is a D.C.-native who moved to Alexandria in the 1970s for a job. She and her husband built a life in this “sleepy, southern…

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Asthma Crisis in the Classroom

May 27, 2014

His teacher thought he was being silly – falling out of his chair, closing his eyes and dropping his head down. In a classroom full…

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Summer Safety & Year-round Precautions to Reduce the Risk of SIDS

May 27, 2014

Now that the weather’s getting warmer, it’s a good time to talk (again!) about the dangers of overheating your baby. Babies are sensitive to extremes…

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Get Naked! You Just Might Save Your Life

May 27, 2014

Did you know that nearly 80,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma this year? That’s the equivalent of the entire population of Somerville, Massachusetts. Or…

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How Good Neighbors Brings Clean Water to Thousands of People

May 27, 2014

>> Donate to Good Neighbors

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The Preservation Champion You Might Not Have Heard Of: Mary B. Talbert

May 27, 2014

In 1917, readers of The Crisis magazine, the official publication of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), would have come across a powerful call to…

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LA Galaxy Soccer Club Signs Wish Kid as Left Forward

May 23, 2014

15-year-old forward Jacob Trainor’s “wish to be a Galaxy teammate” was recently granted by Make-A-Wish® when the LA Galaxy soccer club signed him to be…

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May 23 – May 27, CNN Hero Mark Bergel and A Wider Circle to be Featured on TV

May 23, 2014

Earlier this year, CNN named A Wider Circle’s founder, Mark Bergel, as one of its 2014 Heroes (read about that announcement here). Today, we are…

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Don’t Fry Day = May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014

To help reduce rising rates of skin cancer from overexposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun, the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention…

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