News + Views From The Nonprofit World

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Parenting With a Disability

July 22, 2014

By Christinne Rudd Being a mom is a challenging role for anyone. Add having a disability to the mix and the adventure has just begun.…

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Navigating Financial Roadblocks When You Have Cancer

July 22, 2014

By Faviola Ramirez As a LIVESTRONG Navigator, I try to identify the needs of anyone affected by cancer and provide them with the best resources…

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Register Now! 2014 Member Rally is August 21, 2014

July 17, 2014

Member Rally is an annual event designed to prepare members for the upcoming Fall Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and private sector workplace giving season.  When:…

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Engage Employees By Championing Their Interests

July 17, 2014

By Chloe Sharfin As I watched the NYC Pride Parade go down 5th avenue in all its glittery, wonderfully musical, rainbow glory, I was struck…

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Passionate CEOs inspire environmental philanthropy at work

July 17, 2014

This story first appeared on June 21, 2014 in the Globe and Mail’s Report on Business. Ask any organizational development consultant and you’ll likely hear…

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House to Vote on Bill to Encourage Charitable Giving

July 17, 2014

By Alex Daniels The House will likely pass a bill Thursday that is designed to encourage donations to charities, but the Senate will probably ignore…

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A Major Victory for Charities in Congress

July 17, 2014

The charitable and philanthropic sector achieved an amazing victory today with the House approving legislation (H.R. 4719) that would significantly increase charitable giving in the United…

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A Major Victory for Charities in Congress

July 17, 2014

The charitable and philanthropic sector achieved an amazing victory today with the House approving legislation (H.R. 4719) that would significantly increase charitable giving in the United…

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Annual Report

July 16, 2014
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Annual Report

July 16, 2014
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A Countdown of the 4 Most Important Types of Workplace Giving Every Nonprofit Should Know About

July 16, 2014

By Adam Weinger Are you taking full advantage of the corporate giving programs that are out there? Every day, more and more companies are realizing…

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Bringing Cancer Advocacy to the Capitol

July 16, 2014

By Josh Larsen This past Monday I had the tremendous opportunity through my involvement with LIVESTRONG as a Senior Leader and advocate on the local, state…

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