News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Social Responsibility


Investing in Nonprofits Through People

April 28, 2014

By Daryl Brewster, CEO, CECP Think about all the diverse industries across the globe delivering specialized services and products to customers, whether they are other…

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The CFO’s Role in CSR Reporting

April 28, 2014

When we hear the title Chief Financial Officer, we tend to think of financial performance indicators, not corporate social responsibility. However, the mindset among CFOs…

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10 Steps to Launching a Successful CSR Program

April 28, 2014

by Brian Greene Good corporate citizenship is no longer a differentiator but is instead a requirement to remain competitive in almost any industry. Yet, many organizations…

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Steve Greenhalgh, Co-author of New Snapshot 2014 Report, Shares Insights & Overview of Report Findings

April 28, 2014

On April 24, 2014, America’s Charities held its annual Giving Under The Influence symposium at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.   During the event, America’s…

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Deloitte Survey: Strong Sense of Purpose Key Driver of Business Investment

April 25, 2014

New York, April 7, 2014 — The 3rd annual Deloitte Core Beliefs & Culture survey, released today, reveals that organizations with a strong sense of purpose —…

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America’s Charities ‘Snapshot 2014: A Rising Tide of Expectations’ Explores How Future Engagements Could Be Maximized

April 24, 2014

>> Click here for a copy of Snapshot 2014. WASHNGTON, D.C. — April 24, 2014 — Charities face a rising tide of expectations from corporate and employee…

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New JK Group White Paper Addresses Compliance Complexities of Corporate Philanthropy Programs

April 24, 2014

Source: JK Group With globalization continuing to connect the world and make it smaller, companies must think globally when developing philanthropic programs. According to the…

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Busy Professionals Find Time to be Global Humanitarians

April 24, 2014

By Vanessa Small Adriana Ramirez’s black suitcase was neatly packed a week before her big, international trip. There’s no room for procrastination when you’re a mother…

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Mind the Gap: a Tragic Waste of Talent

April 24, 2014

By Ryan Scott  Recently, I was chatting with a close friend who holds a senior position at a Fortune 50 company.  This is someone who is…

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Giving That Gets Results Blog Series

April 24, 2014

John is from the school of strategic philanthropy. The foundation he works for has four defined program areas, and he’s the head of climate change.…

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‘Employee Engagement’ Is Great, But Will Charities End Up Losing?

April 16, 2014

Over the 14 year history of the Charities @ Work Conference, which just took place April 3-4 in New York, we’ve seen the workplace giving…

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More Than A T-Shirt And Day Out Of The Office: Companies Begin To Match Volunteer Skills With Societal Needs

April 15, 2014

Source: Forbes Employee engagement used to mean a fairly simple transaction at the office: the annual campaign that often followed the CEO’s lead, and perhaps…

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