News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Social Responsibility


Volunteer Opportunities Help Employers Attract Talent, Report Says

June 18, 2014

By Megan O’Neil Well-articulated company policies on giving and volunteerism help employers attract and retain young talent, according to a new survey. The 2014 Millennial Impact…

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Lifestyles, Attitudes, and Technology Are Shaping Millennials’ Giving

June 17, 2014

By Megan O’Neil Instant access to information and a migration away from institutional affiliations are shaping how members of the millennial generation engage with philanthropic…

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Annual Philanthropy Numbers On The Rise: U.S. Giving Nears Pre-Recession Levels

June 17, 2014

By Tom Watson Those who don’t seek charitable donations for a living can usually be forgiven for one of the most common misperceptions in American philanthropy:…

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Giving Back has its Perks [Infographic]

June 12, 2014

The Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP) released its inaugural Giving in Numbers Brief at the CECP summit through an infographic. The major theme was that…

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Wonder What the Value of Volunteer Time Is?

June 12, 2014

Volunteers are an important part of the nonprofit social compact. Giving one’s time or talent to support the vital work of charities delivers tremendous value.…

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Featured Tools & Research: Tools to Scale Pro Bono

June 12, 2014

Looking for research and other resources relating to social responsibility, employee engagement, nonprofits, and volunteerism? There are multitudes of helpful resources on the Internet. We’ve…

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Why You Should Recruit Millennials to Boost Your NPO

June 12, 2014

By Lincoln Arneal Last week, we wrote about how to recruit life-time volunteers for your nonprofit instead of relying on one-time helpers. Today, we are going…

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Five Tips for Building Impactful Relationships with Nonprofit Partners

June 10, 2014

Waggener Edstrom Communications (WE) did what most companies should do: learn more about their nonprofit partners in order to strengthen their partnerships. This mirrors the…

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Points of Light, Bloomberg Search for the 50 Most Community-minded Companies

June 10, 2014

Points of Light, in partnership with Bloomberg LP, announced last week the launch of its annual survey, The Civic 50, which names and honors the most community-minded…

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5 Ways to Summerize Workplace Philanthropy

June 6, 2014

By Ryan Scott It’s not just your imagination: summer is getting in the way of getting things done at work.  To the tune of a 20 percent…

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Mid-Sized Businesses Often Fail to Connect the Dots on Corporate Philanthropy

June 6, 2014

By Eileen Cunniffe Mid-sized companies, which represent about one-fourth of American businesses, are actively engaged in corporate philanthropy, largely with local charities. Yet even as…

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Millennials Can Help Businesses Put the Value of Profit, Society and Cause on Equal Footing

June 5, 2014

MCON14 | June 18-19, 2014 | Register Now By Sarah Ford This past week in his article, Where Profits Aren’t Enough, Marc Ross stated, “If we…

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