News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Individual Giving


Recognizing and Honoring the Sacrifices of Firefighters

April 26, 2019

Firefighters selflessly dedicate their time to protecting our lives and property, and sometimes they make the ultimate sacrifice while risking their lives to save others.…

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What Sesame Street is Doing to Reduce Stigma and Change Perceptions Around Autism

April 15, 2019

In the U.S., 1 in 59 children is diagnosed with autism. Nearly every family and community is touched in some way. While the diagnosis is…

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Think Drunk Driving Doesn’t Impact You? Think Again.

April 12, 2019

Drunk driving is still the #1 cause of death on our roadways. Think it doesn’t impact you? Think again. Every two minutes, someone is injured in…

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Now Through May 1st, Double Your Donation to Prevent Homelessness in Central Florida

April 9, 2019

At Christian HELP, our mission is to prevent homelessness by helping people find jobs, while providing for them spiritually and materially. According to the most…

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Where There’s a Wish, There’s a Way

April 3, 2019

For children battling a critical illness, a wish is not just a dream. A wish-come-true can be a turning point in their lives. It can…

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National Rebuilding Month

April 3, 2019

National Rebuilding Month is an annual month-long call to service, culminating with National Rebuilding Day, the last Saturday of April (April 27 this year). Last year…

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World Health Day 2019

April 2, 2019

World Health Day takes place on April 7th each year, marking the anniversary of when the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded. WHO selects a…

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Champion Children’s Literacy This National Reading Month

March 20, 2019

It’s a startling fact that 25 million children in the U.S. cannot read proficiently and by the fourth grade, 63% of children are reading below…

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7 Ways Volunteering Can Benefit Your Health and Well-Being

March 18, 2019

We know it can be nerve racking starting something new or entering into unfamiliar territory, but there’s so much you get in return for doing…

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Celebrating the Impact of Volunteers During National Volunteer Month This April – and All Year Round

March 18, 2019

“Every problem that the country faces is being solved in some community by some group or some individual. The question is how to get connected…

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Charity Vetting and Due Diligence: Managing the Charities in Your Employee Giving Campaign Requires More than Great Technology

March 13, 2019

Background vector created by vectorpouch – “When my employees choose to donate to a charity, how do I know that charity is legitimate?”  “How…

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Webinar Recap: How to Save the World, One Paycheck at a Time

March 7, 2019

Employee giving, or workplace giving as it is traditionally known, is an incredibly vital mechanism for social impact. America’s Charities recently launched a campaign, Saving…

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