News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Health


February is Cancer Prevention Month

January 23, 2024

A substantial proportion of cancers could be prevented, including all cancers caused by tobacco use and other unhealthy behaviors. Excluding non-melanoma skin cancer, at least…

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February is Marfan Awareness Month!

January 23, 2024

Marfan syndrome affects an estimated 1 in 5,000 people regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender, and experts estimate that nearly half the people who have Marfan…

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World AIDS Day

November 9, 2023

Since 1988, December 1st has been recognized annually as World AIDS Day to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with…

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International Stress Awareness Day

October 30, 2023

As the days grow shorter and autumn settles in, there’s a day on the calendar that invites us to pause and reflect on a universal…

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Diabetes Awareness Month

October 26, 2023

Diabetes Awareness Month aims to raise awareness for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes through education and advocacy. More than 100 million adults and children…

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National Hospice and Palliative Care Month

October 26, 2023

Each November, hospice and palliative care programs reach out to raise awareness about the importance of high-quality hospice and palliative care. Hospice and palliative care programs…

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World Diabetes Day is November 14th

October 26, 2023

If “diabetes” were a country, it would be the third largest in the world, behind China and India. More than 370 million people are now…

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National Veterans and Military Families Month

October 26, 2023

Each year, November is designated as National Veterans and Military Families Month to thank service members and their families for all their hard work and…

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National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month

September 18, 2023

October is a significant awareness month—one dedicated to mental health, well-being, and the importance of early intervention. National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month is…

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World Mental Health Day, October 10

September 18, 2023

As the autumn leaves start to paint the world in warm hues and the air turns crisper, October brings with it a day of utmost…

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Child Health Day

September 11, 2023

First celebrated in 1929, Child Health Day was enacted by Congress as a day to raise awareness about the fundamental necessity for programs to protect and…

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

September 11, 2023

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – an annual campaign that aims to educate the public on the importance of early screening, testing and treatment for…

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