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Articles About Employee Engagement


Managing the Disconnect: Setting Policies vs. Implementing Employee Engagement & Giving Program

September 18, 2013

There is often a disconnect between the people who run employee giving programs and the people who create and guide the policies for those programs.…

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Why Companies Should Explore New Employee Engagement & Giving Models

September 18, 2013

Stick with the old way or risk trying something new? Why it actually might be smarter & safer for companies to explore new models and…

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George Weiner: 360 Degrees of Giving & the Impact on Employers & Philanthropy

September 18, 2013

How does social technology allow people to amplify their voices and their causes? What is the impact of their 360 degrees of giving? What kind…

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Heather Lofkin Wright: Fostering & Growing a Workplace Giving Culture in the 21st Century

September 18, 2013

What will the future of employee engagement and giving look like? Digital tools and platforms aside, how are the basic ingredients that influence giving still…

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Marc Johnson: Changing the Corporate Philanthropy Approach Through Employee Empowerment

September 18, 2013

Millennials’ career aspirations, attitudes about work and level of comfort with new technologies are redefining the culture of the 21st century workplace — including the…

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Tom Watson: What Millennials Expect from Employers & Nonprofits

September 18, 2013

Millennials’ career aspirations, attitudes about work and level of comfort with new technologies are redefining the culture of the 21st century workplace — including the…

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George Weiner: How Companies Can Empower the Millennial Generation at Work

September 18, 2013

Characteristics of Millennials, who form 25% of the workforce, and what it means for company recruitment, retention, philanthropy and engagement strategies. George Weiner, Founder and…

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Heather Lofkin Wright: How Companies Can Empower the Millennial Generation at Work

September 18, 2013

Characteristics of Millennials, who form 25% of the workforce, and what it means for company recruitment, retention, philanthropy and engagement strategies. Heather Lofkin Wright, National…

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Marc Johnson: How Companies Can Empower the Millennial Generation at Work

September 18, 2013

Characteristics of Millennials, who form 25% of the workforce, and what it means for company recruitment, retention, philanthropy and engagement strategies. Marc Johnson, Vice President…

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Nonprofits & Companies: How to Recruit & Connect With Young Workers & Donors

September 18, 2013

There is a growing workforce of Millennials. Since many of them already have causes they support because they grew up with a social responsibility ethic,…

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Give Me 5 Minutes & I’ll Tell You How To Give Your Employees What They Want

September 16, 2013

“Work is simply something to be endured.”  Right?  BIZZZT – wrong!   The average American spends 9 hours, 12 minutes, and 36 seconds ‘Working &…

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6 Potential Pitfalls to Avoid with Your Company Employee Giving Model

September 16, 2013

By Scott F. Black Workplace giving campaigns are making way for a new engagement model and the latest research indicates that if your company is…

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