News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Employee Engagement


Change Makers and Dream Chasers

March 31, 2015

By Joey Ponce As MCON rounds the corner to the fun- and work-filled home stretch leading up to the big day, questions from friends and…

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Corporate volunteers can be a burden for nonprofits

March 30, 2015

The next time you’re inclined to pat yourself on the back for your company’s volunteer work — the murals painted, the community gardens planted, the…

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5 Creative Ways to Use Your Skills for Good This Spring

March 30, 2015

April is just around the corner, and while — the spring weather is enough of a reason to celebrate, we’re even more pumped because it’s — but…

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How Dollars For Doers Programs Bolster Fundraising

March 30, 2015

 By Adam Weinger From holding doors open to leading mobility-impaired persons across streets, people reach out and help strangers every day. What do these good-doers receive…

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SPLC: Working Towards a Day When Equal Justice & Equal Opportunity Become Reality

March 16, 2015

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.…

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The Underrepresented Color of Free Money for Charities

March 12, 2015

By Charisse Browner In my daily news reading, I came across a very interesting article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy written by Holly Hall titled,…

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Junior Achievement Teams-up With AT&T to Mentor Teens on Career Goals and Choices

March 10, 2015

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Such a simple question that is so hard to answer. Did you know what you wanted…

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Project Scientist Girls Learn STEM: From Roller Coasters To Cable Jewelry

February 26, 2015

By Nichie Wilson, Events Manager On January 23, Time Warner Cable partnered with Project Scientist to teach more than 50 young girls about the science…

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Lack of CSR & Employee Engagement Program Alignment Can Hinder Your Growth & Success

February 26, 2015

I look forward to Fridays. Not for the obvious reason working a 9-5 M-F. It’s the day I start getting excited about my Saturday routine.…

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With So Many Options Available, Why is Giving at the Workplace Important?

February 26, 2015

(This post is from the Charities@Work blog series) By Gina Rude, Accenture When I was growing up, my dad kept a pen and paper ledger…

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Professional Development: How Pro Bono Makes You Better at Your Job

February 24, 2015

Ed Kamrin, a communication manager at Wordwright Communications and vice president of operations for the San Francisco chapter of IABC, wrote a wonderful piece on IABC titled Why…

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50 Companies That Crush Giving Back

February 23, 2015

By Ryan Scott Every year, The Civic 50, an initiative of Points of Light, in partnership with Bloomberg LP, honors the 50 most community minded companies.  Determined via…

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