News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About CSR Performance and Reporting


Charities strain to meet corporate engagement expectations

May 14, 2014

By Dan Cook For-profits and nonprofits are doing a better job of forging partnerships to support one another, but they still struggle with fully meeting…

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Corporate Giving ROI & Bottomline

May 13, 2014

Just like nonprofits, corporations are also trying to do more with less.  How can corporations get the ROI they want, while also making sure the…

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Employee Engagement Tied to Business Goals

May 8, 2014

Within the current framework of creating shared value that underlies much of corporate responsibility work today, employee engagement is singularly important. Harnessing the shared values…

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Creating Meaningful, Long term Engagement Between Companies’ Employees & Charities

May 8, 2014

Going beyond one-time events of having employees go out and volunteer at a charity, how can corporations form deeper, longer term relationships with charities that…

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Pro Bono Australia Reports Key Findings from America’s Charities Snapshot 2014

May 7, 2014

Charities are facing a rising tide of expectations from corporate and employee donors, while at the same time admitting that maintaining these corporate partnerships is…

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Employer Charitable Endeavors Can Boost Efforts to Attract and Retain Top Employees

May 7, 2014

By Caryn Freeman   Employees want more giving and volunteering opportunities, and companies are responding with more and varied philanthropic endeavors. According to a new report from…

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Corporate social responsibility: Measuring its value

May 7, 2014

By Shanaz Musafer No major company strategy is complete these days without a statement on corporate social responsibility (CSR). In fact, there is now a…

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Companies Expect More From Nonprofits, Report Finds

May 5, 2014

When it comes to corporate philanthropy, corporate and employee donors expect more from charities these days.  And in a digital era defined by greater transparency, charities…

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How Do We Solve the Obvious Gap Between What Companies Offer and What Charities Need?

May 1, 2014

Tom Watson, President and Founder of CauseWired and a Forbes Contributor, was a panelist at America’s Charities annual Giving Under The Influence symposium last week…

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How to Make Money from CSR Activities

April 30, 2014

Good product performance pays while good environmental performance doesn’t, research published in Strategic Management Journal says. Earlier studies show mixed results on the financial benefits of corporate social responsibility…

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What Do Corporations Want and Expect From Nonprofit Partnerships?

April 30, 2014

What do corporations want and expect out of their relationships with nonprofits? In the video clip above, Emily Simone, Director of Community Relations for Lockheed…

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Nonprofit Impact & Effectiveness

April 29, 2014

How do we go from just sharing charities’ financial documents on the Internet to really evaluating the work of nonprofits so that donations and funds…

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