News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About CSR Blog: Workplace Giving & Employee Engagement


How Christian HELP Helps Unemployed People Get Jobs Through Employment Assistance in Central Florida

February 24, 2014

There are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States, each playing a crucial role in lives and social issues across the country and…

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CSR Results: Why the Difference Between Outcomes and Outputs Matters

February 18, 2014

Originally Posted On: Inspired Giving Series They filled Capital Hilton ballroom in Washington, DC; leaders of large and small charities from throughout the country trying…

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How Shepherd’s Hope is Helping Thousands of Medically Underserved Central Florida Families

February 7, 2014

Joey is your typical little boy— energetic, challenging and inquisitive. But now he’s afraid and worried. His mom has been coughing for a long time…

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CSR Results: Why the Difference Between Outcomes and Outputs Matters

January 21, 2014

Originally Posted On: Inspired Giving Series They filled Capital Hilton ballroom in Washington, DC; leaders of large and small charities from throughout the country…

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The Evolution of Corporate Sustainability

January 16, 2014

Source: Charities@Work By Kal Stein, CEO of Earthshare There is a reason why businesses and nonprofits routinely partner on delivering solutions and targeting crises. While the…

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You’ve made a donation, now what?

January 16, 2014

Did you know that approximately 174 million adult Americans plan to give money to charity between Thanksgiving and year-end?  Furthermore, 35 percent to 42 percent…

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Why It’s Time to Invest in Performance and Impact

January 15, 2014

Originally Posted On: Inspired Giving Series Instead of focusing on financials, should nonprofits be “charting impact” – a means to tell their story about their…

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The Combined Federal Campaign is an Unrealized Asset

January 13, 2014

In last week’s Washington Post Federal Diary column by Joe Davidson, “Low morale of federal employees is putting a crimp in charitable giving,” I was quoted…

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Washington Post’s Article on Nonprofit Fraud Spawns Warranted Reaction from Charitable Sector

November 1, 2013

You have to hand it to the Washington Post.  They sure know how to write a catchy headline.  Their recent front page Sunday edition lead…

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Implementing Your Social Responsibility Goals Just Got Easier

October 30, 2013

By Sarah Ford When it comes to achieving your social responsibility goals, most companies are not aware of the value of partnering with a federation. …

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Featured Charity: Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America

October 4, 2013

Wishes help kids feel better – and sometimes when they feel better, they get better. Learn how you can help share the power of a…

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Employee Engagement: the Important Glue Between Volunteerism & Giving

October 1, 2013

How much does an employer’s decision concerning employee engagement play into the overall corporate culture of giving and volunteering (or lack of giving and volunteering)…

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