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Articles About CSR Blog: Workplace Giving & Employee Engagement


Register Now! April 24th Giving Under The Influence Symposium in D.C.

March 19, 2014

How are corporate funders’ expectations of nonprofits changing as they seek to invest in nonprofit performance and impact? How are nonprofits positioned to benefit from…

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A “Win, Win, Win” Relationship for Hope Connections and Business Partners American Odyssey Relay (AOR) and Specialties Inc.

March 18, 2014

Facing cancer is scary enough, but thanks to Hope Connections for Cancer Support (Hope Connections) and their free programs, no one is prevented from getting…

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Helping Children Succeed in School with “SchoolTools”

March 14, 2014

Source: Charities@Work By Natasha Hjelm, Global Impact For children everywhere, education is the best hope for breaking free from poverty. Yet even school supplies are…

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3M Employee Engagement Program Touches Local Nonprofits across the Country

March 11, 2014

Source: Good360 ​By Tara Laskowski With more than 80,000 employees around the world, 3M’s culture of creative collaboration inspires a never-ending stream of powerful technologies…

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Why Millennials Are Not Interested in Your Corporate Service Program

March 11, 2014

Source: Charities@Work By Derrick Feldmann When a Millennial employee swipes their card to gain access to the company’s building, their interests, networks, and personal passions…

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For More Than 400,000 Americans Living With MS, MSAA’s Programs & Services are Vital

March 10, 2014

There are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States, each playing a crucial role in lives and social issues across the country and…

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Turning Employees into Sustainable Assets

March 6, 2014

Source: Charities@Work By Mary MacDonald, EarthShare What would profit and loss statements look like if they included factors like employee happiness, retention, job referrals and…

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Nonprofit Performance & Effectiveness Are Not Mutually Exclusive

March 4, 2014

This week The Chronicle of Philanthropy published an article by Phil Buchanan, President of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, called, “Unlike For-Profits, Nonprofits Succeed by…

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Modernizing Workplace Giving Because Millennials Want Us To

March 3, 2014

Source: Charities@Work By Peter Dudley, Community Support Programs Manager, Wells Fargo I always learn a lot from talking with my peers at other companies, even if…

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The State of E-learning and the Potential it Offers Nonprofits (And All Other Sectors)

February 27, 2014

In his ground-breaking book, Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity (2011), Mario Morino urged leaders of government, business and the philanthropic sectors to…

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Microsoft’s Six Recommendations to Increase Employee Engagement in Your Next Workplace Giving Campaign

February 26, 2014

Source: Charities@Work The real question: October has become the month of corporate giving in North America. If you’re one of those companies looking to break the…

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Progress Comes Through Collective Action

February 26, 2014

Source: Charities@Work By Scott Jackson, Global Impact I have worked in the international philanthropic sector for more than 20 years. Each day, my colleagues and…

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