News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Charities & Nonprofits


CFC off to a strong start

November 5, 2014

 By ANDY MEDICI After only a few weeks the Combined Federal Campaign is off to a strong start, according to local campaigns from across the country.…

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Republican’s Senate Wins Boost Prospects of Tax Changes for Nonprofits

November 5, 2014

By Alex Daniels With Republicans poised to take control of the Senate following Tuesday’s elections, it is likely that lawmakers will dig deep into the…

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Thank You Federal Workers!

November 4, 2014

Today’s Express, a Washington Post publication, is out and it’s featuring America’s Charities members.   To reiterate our message, thank you Federal workers! Thank you…

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BBB Wise Giving Alliance Data Shows Lack of Understanding, Scrutiny Amongst Donors

October 31, 2014

Arlington, VA – October 28, 2014 – New data on how Americans donate to charities pinpoints a lack of donor understanding and the need for…

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How Federal Workers Lead the Nation in Charitable Giving

October 30, 2014

By Mark V. Ewert You know the routine: Someone at work volunteers to head up a fundraising drive, recruits people in every department to help,…

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Donors Care More About How Money Is Spent Than Results, Study Says

October 28, 2014

By Alex Daniels Donors are more interested in how a nonprofit’s funds are spent than in the results it achieves, according to a study released…

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Five Things Corporate Sponsors Want From Nonprofits

October 28, 2014

By Sean Horrigan Nonprofits and their corporate colleagues have a codependent relationship. Corporations provide nonprofits with financial support, and in return, nonprofits provide corporations with…

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A Message From GuideStar President/CEO Jacob Harold

October 28, 2014

In 2013, I joined with partners at the BBB Wise Giving Alliance and Charity Navigator in writing an open letter to the donors of America explaining that “overhead ratios”…

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Why Google Loves Teach For America

October 27, 2014

By Aaron Taube People looking to get a job at Google might first want to spend a few years as a teacher. A company spokesperson tells…

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How Nonprofits Can Promote Matching Gifts on #GivingTuesday by Using Double the Donation

October 27, 2014

Nearly two-thirds of employers surveyed in America’s Charities’ Snapshot Employer Report, indicate they match employee payroll contributions. This is a 58% increase since 2006. Corporate matches are…

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Health, Medical Research Most Popular Charity Choices in 2013 CFC

October 22, 2014

By Andy Medici Federal employees and military service members gave more to health and medical research charities during the 2013 Combined Federal Campaign than to…

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Majority of Companies Increased Community Investments, Focused Giving Programs Since End of Global Recession

October 22, 2014

NEW YORK, October 21, 2014 /3BL Media/— From 2010 to 2013, giving increased for 64% of companies, and it grew by more than 10% for 52% of companies. Companies that…

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