News + Views From The Nonprofit World

Articles About Advocacy and Human Rights


Creating a Future Where Fewer People Hear the Words, “You Have Cancer”

October 8, 2015

The need for cancer prevention and early detection programs is more urgent now than ever.  This year alone, more than 580,000 people will die from…

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Creating a Life Without Limits for People With Disabilities

October 6, 2015

What do YOU know about UCP? UCP stands for  “United Cerebral Palsy,” but Cerebral Palsy isn’t the only focus of UCP’s work. They are a…

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Keeping Educational Doors Open to Shape a Successful Future for America

September 24, 2015

By: Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President and CEO, Thurgood Marshall College Fund America’s future depends on our ability to train future generations to fill necessary…

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Planned Parenthood: Undercover videos not deterring corporate donors

August 3, 2015

Are corporate donors distancing themselves from Planned Parenthood? Since mid July, Planned Parenthood has been engulfed in controversy as an anti-abortion group has released four undercover…

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Saving Lives by Answering the Call/Text/E-mail/Chat for Help

July 29, 2015

The first text message Brianna sent to a Boys Town National Hotline® Crisis Counselor said she had cut herself as part of a suicide attempt.…

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Children of color pushed out of Alabama schools over social media posts

July 10, 2015

By Sharada Jambulapati Jamie’s father was murdered violently while she was in middle school. To honor his memory, her family made sweatshirts with an airbrushed…

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Sandy Santana Named Executive Director of Children’s Rights

July 8, 2015

(New York, NY) – Sandy Santana, who has served as interim executive director of Children’s Rights (CR) for the last 10 months, has been named…

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Love Wins in Historic Supreme Court Ruling on LGBT Rights

June 26, 2015

June is National LGBT Pride Month, but this June in particular will take its place in history.   In a historic ruling, the Supreme Court…

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A historic day for America, marriage equality is the law of the land

June 26, 2015

By Richard Cohen, SPLC President What a great day for our country! With today’s historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling, marriage equality for the LGBT community is…

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Another Success for MADD! Texas Becomes 25th State To Enact All-Offender Interlock Law

June 24, 2015

AUSTIN, TEXAS (June 23, 2015) — Last week, Governor Greg Abbott signed HB 2246 into law, requiring drunk drivers to install an ignition interlock if they…

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The FBI has no idea how many hate crimes happen in America each year

June 22, 2015

By J. Richard Cohen A white man and apartheid admirer walked into a black church Wednesday night and killed nine people. He reportedly said he had…

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When Justice Doesn’t Work

June 10, 2015

Most Americans can turn to the courts for remedies to injustice. However, the mainstream justice system may not provide comfortable solutions, and sometimes isn’t even…

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